Musical Theatre
Syllabus 2025
General Rules:
Vocal, strings and woodwinds participants must provide their own live accompaniment. Exceptions are noted in individual classes. Accompanist fees
are not included in registration fees.
All participants must supply an original copy of their music for the adjudicator. Accompanists must have original music with them displayed on the piano or beside it, however may use photocopies(or iPad) from which to play.
Acoustic accompaniment only is allowed.
Age group as follows:
Beginner – ages 6 – 8
Primary – ages 9 – 10
Elementary – ages 11 – 12
Junior – ages 13 – 14
Intermediate – ages 15 – 16
Senior – ages 17 – 18
Advanced – ages 19 – 28
Adult – 29 and over
Selections from 1950 and before – Up – Tempo / Comedy
One up tempo or comedic selection. Own choice from staged musicals 1950 and earlier. Please select age-appropriate material. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Selections from 1950 and before – Ballad
One ballad selection. Own choice from staged musicals 1950 and earlier. Please select age - appropriate material. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Selections from 1950 – 1979 Ballad Up Tempo / Comedy
One up tempo / comedy selection. Own choice from staged musicals 1950 – 1979. Please select age - appropriate material. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Selections from 1950 – 1979 – Ballad
One ballad selection. Own choice from staged musicals 1950 – 1979. Please select age-appropriate material. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Contemporary Musical Theatre 1980 – 1999 – Up – Tempo/Comedy
One up-tempo / comedy selection. Own choice from staged musicals 1980 – 1999.
Please select age - appropriate material. No pop, jukebox or rock musical theatre allowed.
Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Selections from 1980 – 1999 Ballad
One ballad selection. Own choice from staged musicals 1980 – 1999.
Please select age-appropriate material. No pop, jukebox or rock musical theatre allowed.
Costumes and 2 hand-held may be used.
Selections from 2000 – present – Up – Tempo / Comedy
One up-tempo / comedy selection. Own choice from staged musicals 2000 – present.
Please select age-appropriate material. No pop, jukebox or rock musical theatre allowed.
Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Selections from 2000 – present – Ballad
One ballad selection. Own choice from staged musicals 2000 – present.
Please select age-appropriate material. No pop, jukebox or rock musical theatre allowed.
Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Jukebox / Pop Musical Theatre
One selection. Own choice from jukebox or pop musical theatre musicals.
Please select age - appropriate material with suitable language. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Canadian Musical Theatre
One selection. Own choice from a musical written by a Canadian composer. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Own Choice Musical Theatre
One selection. Own choice from any era of musical theatre – ballad or up – tempo. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Concert Class – Musical Theatre
Two contrasting selections, own choice.
Competitors will be judged on total performance, including song selections, vocal and character interpretation. Selections should be age and culturally appropriate. Include costume changes in total performance times. Costumes and 2 hand-held props may be used.
Musical Theatre Duets
One selection chosen from any era/style of musical theatre. Costumes and props may be used.
Musical Theatre Small Ensemble
One selection from any era/style of musical theatre. Ensemble must consist of 4-10 singers.
Backtracks or acoustic accompaniment can be used.